
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I have been busy . . .

The holidays are over and the New Year is in full swing!!
It is definitely time to blog again here at Sew Much Good.
I have been busy smocking for some special people and here's the proof.

This is Mallory and she turned 8 today! 
Mallory is my nephew's daughter. That makes me her GREAT aunt.
She came by for her dress on Saturday and she looked like a Princess just trying it on.
We all LOVED the pink smocking with pearls, the pink cummerbund and pink sash.

It was just the right touch of COLOR.
Wait 'til she has a big 'poof' slip on so she can TWIRL!

Happy Birthday, Mallory!!!

This next dress is a work in progress but I'd thought I give you preview.
The inspiration was from Gail Doan's Cute as a Button book. I was just smitten with look of the little buttons on the Bishop's yoke smocking.

This dress is for 2 year old Hannah, my youngest granddaughter.

Come back and see Hannah model the dress with the corduroy swing-jacket. Here she is in her Easter dress.

Hannah twirling with Big Sister.
See why I love to Smock!?!


  1. I love smocking. My mom did lots of it on our dresses. I tried to smock a blessing dress after being inspired by you and it was just plain hard. I would love to take a class but my life is not my own right now...but that would be wonderful to take a smocking class from you. My mom tried to help me and I am pretty helpless.

  2. I live here in Utah and my mother-in-law has been teaching me to smock for a couple of years now. I am highly interested in being part of a monthly or weekly group where women who love to smock can visit while we smock. Are you interested or could you connect me with people who might be? I would very much appreciate it! Thank you!

    1. Hi Kathryn,
      Email me at and I can give you the info about a smocking group.
